Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lost the best woman I knew

 We started seeing the RE, he did a repeat test on Darnell and stated that our only option was IVF. We were confused on where to go from there, and knew we needed to start saving money. I did tell my family what was going on, as we were very close. My mom knew we was trying to have children and she always questioned why wasn't we married yet.
Just a little back ground on my mom, my best friend. She was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2006, hardest thing ever. We went through chemo and radiation, tons of appointments. She went into remission, but unfort she was still overweight and unhealthy. She had heart problems from the beginning but once we found the cancer, we put her heart on the back burner. On August 31, 2009 I went to my mom's house just as I did everyday to make sure her and my grandma ate lunch before I went into work. That day I had tried calling her twice and she didn't answer, so I was thinking she was sleeping. Well when I got to her house, I went in and said hey to my grandma and kissed her then went running upstairs to see my mom. As I got to the top of the steps, I saw my mom laying on the bathroom floor, it looked like she was trying to go potty and fell over. She was blue to the face, I screamed for her try to move her and couldn't. I pulled up her panties and ran downstairs, frantically. My grandma was yelling what's wrong what's wrong. I grabbed the phone called 911, was so upset they hardly could understand me. I went back upstairs tried to do as the operator said and couldn't find a pulse. Couldn't move her. I ran to my neighbors house, thank God she was there, she got on the phone with the operator. My neighbor told me she was gone. I called my stepdad, told him she's gone he didn't know what I was talking about I just kept repeating it. He rushed home. The ambulance, fire trucks, cops all came, I couldn't stop crying. I told them to do whatever they could to save her. It was too late, my mom passed away at the age of 55, I lost my best friend.
The next few months was a blur. But I knew my mom wanted us married before having kids, we had planned on doing IVF in December. So on November 6, 2009 we got married. I was so nervous, my brother started crying thinking about mom not being there. I choked up and swallowed my gum. It was hard, but a good day.

Started seeing obgyn

We knew from the beginning that we wanted kids, and we would like to have them together. I knew that I probably would have some difficulties since I suspected that I had endometriosis, around April 2009 we decided to go to my obgyn to see what we could do for the endometriosis. He suggested we do surgery to find out forsure if I had it and hopefully remove what we can. During that visit we did a pap smear and I tested positive for precancer cells of the cervix, it was moderate. Since we wanted to try and have kids we decided to just monitor the precancer closey, about every three months. In May 2009 I had the laporoscopy to remove the endometriosis, it did help the pain some. My obgyn suggested we try naturally since having it removed for a couple of months. Around July we went back in to suggest options as we still weren't pregnant, at that time he did a sperm anaylsis and it came back that his sperm was as mobile as it should be nor was it high enough. From there we were referred to a RE (fertility specialist).

Upon meeting the man of my dreams

I didn't know it yet, but on the night of May 3rd, 2008 I would meet the man of my dreams. That night my friend Lena and I went to the local sports bar, she was with a guy she was talking to whom was my friend as well. We were playing pool and drinking some, I would occasionally walk around the bar seeing if I saw anyone interesting. Well indeed I did, there was a group of guys dancing on the dance floor. I continued to watch them for a few, I noticed one in particular when he got off the floor I introduced myself. He came over to the pool tables with me and later him and his friends, plus my friends went back to my house. They stayed awhile, after that night we were inseperable. We starting dating officially May the 10th, 2008.